Sonic prototype

I'm Alice and I am a huge sonic fan. I was searching sonic games on amazon and I saw a game for the GameCube. it was called Sonic prototype. I was shaking. but it looked suspisious. I bought it cause I wanted to see the prototype... that was a mistake

Day 1

The game came in under 3 minutes. That was strange. I opened it and it was beautiful. but. it said "SONIC PROTO." in red marker. there was no label. I played it and it was sonic adventure 2! I was in shock as this was my favorite game! however... the game was glitchy. sonics animations were reversed, the ground was glitching and disappearing at times, and the music... it sounded a lot like sonic adventure 2 main theme backwards and slowed down. I fount tails and his head was backwards. sonic talked to tails but tails said nothing. the game shut off. I heard a scream right as it turned off... that's enough for today...

Day 2

I was walking outside and saw that no one was at my town. not a single soul... I was at home and decided to play it again. I saw my file was erased. I watched the intro again cause I love it. it started to glitch out and it froze. i resetted it. this time skipping the intro. i saw a big tall red man staring at me. he walked up me and i heard screams of the sonic characters... text appeared. it said "hello... Alice... i see you returned. wont be long now... " then the power turned off... i heared wispers around me and loud stepping noises near me. coming closer. and closer... then the power turned on... on the tv was a knuckles plush. i decided to leave it there cause im not touching that shit... i went to sleep...

Day 3

i woke up. the first thing i thought was "i got to play that game one last time..." the knuckles plush is still there. i played the game... it was normal at first until i played as knuckles. the knuckels plush was the big tall red man it attacked me. i was in a hospotil. im glad im still live. i came back home the big tall red man was staring at me...